The power of self esteem is the dynamic energy of a person who stands in their true authority, connected with the creative power that is at the heart of our being. This is the place of authenticity, spontaneity, courage, nerve and grit. This is the ‘right stuff’ and also the source of our tenderness and compassion.
From here springs all our joy in life, as well as the determination to persevere, to partner and to create the life we most want to live. These are not the qualities of mythic heroes or movie stars, but qualities of character, and the connection they are built on can be made or lost, deepened or enhanced at any time, once we understand what fosters it and what gets in its way.
Self esteem is our idea of our own basic worth, and it has its roots in our childhood. Early on, our sense of value is associated with the positive regard of others, or linked with our achievements. We may accomplish much in later life, yet feel dissatisfied because our self-esteem still depends on our next success or failure. It is as if we ‘missed something’ – life seems like a treadmill, lacking in excitement or purpose. The Power of Self Esteem shows you how to identify this deeply-rooted system of beliefs, and develop a new kind of awareness of who, and what, you really are.
The Power of Self Esteem will transform the way you express yourself in the world. Instead of struggling to deal with unconscious demands about the way you ought to be, you become free to be as you are. And, as you learn to distinguish true self esteem from the endless cycle of reward and punishment to which it has become attached, you will connect more deeply with yourself and your life, and start to express yourself with a new kind of passion and power.
When you know how to create results without driving yourself or generating unnecessary stress, you also discover a new kind of self-fulfillment – one without strings attached. And, since the way we see ourselves affects the way we are with others, you will notice that your relationships become more satisfying too. You will deepen your connection with all those who live and work beside you, increasing your ability to guide and motivate your family, friends, partners and colleagues, and empower them to be all that they can be.
Enhancing your self esteem
The Power of Self Esteem is taught in a warm and supportive atmosphere. It is normally offered in small groups, and its skills are practical and simple. Audio material summarizes each session, so you can continue to apply what you learned after the course is over. Its skills are based on the principles of the More To Life program, which for the past 30 years has helped many thousands of people transform the quality of their personal and professional lives.