September is going by in a blur. Summer is officially over. The to-do list is coming after you with a vengeance.
Then – BAM! – something happens. You’re thinking to yourself, “Why now? Why me? I cannot deal with this!”
At other times, you have coped better. You have been able to take it in stride, but not this time. No, this time it is too much. You’re stressed out. Your chest is tight or you have a literal pain in your neck.
You wonder how you are going to make it through this week – preferably without unconsciously taking it out on your co-workers and family.
Life is full of ups and downs. We never know what is going to hit us. The bigger question, though, is: how can we become more resilient and less stressed?
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
One way to become more resilient is to enhance your self-esteem. Think back to a time when you were very stressed out – you were likely also being hard on yourself. You may have had had some harsh self-talk or thoughts that were self-critical. We’ve all been there.
At moments like this, it is good to stop and take a deep breath. Or three. Try going outside for that breather, or even take a walk. As you become conscious of the critical thoughts, you can choose to let them go. This is a great short-term tactic, but it also helps to look at longer-term solutions.
Have you ever thought of giving yourself some time and space to improve your self-esteem? Did you know there are practical – and life changing – tools that you can learn to become more resilient and reduce stress anytime you need to?
The power of self-esteem is the dynamic energy of a person who stands in their true authority, connected with the creative power that is at the heart of our being. This is the place of authenticity, spontaneity, courage, nerve and grit. This is the ‘right stuff’ and also the source of our tenderness and compassion.
From here springs all our joy in life, as well as the determination to persevere, to partner and to create the life we most want to live. These are not the qualities of mythic heroes or movie stars, but qualities of character, and the connection they are built on can be made or lost, deepened or enhanced at any time, once we understand what fosters it and what gets in its way.
We invite you to enroll in the Power of Self Esteem – a six-session course that will help you become more resilient. Erin Hottenstein will teach the course in Fort Collins mostly on Tuesday evenings, 6-9 PM, from October 15 – November 19, 2019.
The fee to enroll is $325, which includes personalized instruction, an audiobook, and handouts. Discounts of 10% off are available for early registration by Sunday, October 6, and for enrolling with a friend. Retake tuition is available for $275 for anyone who has taken this exact course before and still has their course materials. To get the most out of the class, please plan to attend all six sessions.
Check, cash or PayPal are preferred. However, you may also enroll using a credit card on this EventBrite page.
Course dates: Tuesday, 10/15; Wednesday, 10/23; Tuesday, 10/29; Tuesday, 11/5; Tuesday, 11/12; and Tuesday, 11/19. Location: Foothills Unitarian Church, 1815 Yorktown Rd., Fort Collins, Colorado. (By the way, this is a secular course created by a Ph.D. psychologist. We are simply renting space from Foothills.)
Questions? Feel free to contact us at info@publicspeakingfortheprofessional.com!